Wireless Network Security

Forte provides a high-level security as a solution for your fixed (WiFi, WiMAX, VSAT) and mobile (WiFi, broadband) wireless LANs and P2P FiberOptics.

Furthermore, Forte helps your organization to manage the security in your network for the users in motion.

Security Holes in Wireless Network Environment

Wireless networks are vulnerable to privacy and access violations:

  • Wireless networks lack physical boundaries:
    • Information is sent through the open airwaves making it an easy target for a hacker to eavesdrop, capture or modify information
    • Wireless Access Points create new entry points to the network which are virtually unprotected from access violations
  • Mobile devices, essentially the keys to the network, are easily lost or stolen and serve as an easy means to gain unauthorized access to a network
  • Typical attacks can be launched successfully and under complete anonymity

The physical design and mobility of wireless networks create these new security challenges. In order to effectively secure a wireless network, the solution must address integrity, authentication, privacy, and confidentiality as key security elements.

Solution for the Issue

Forte delivers innovative wireless security technologies and solutions that eliminate the vulnerabilities found in wireless networks and communications today. Forte also offers a highly scalable family of wireless security products designed to provide a simple, efficient, and robust level of security for a variety of wireless networks and applications.

  • Privacy, Authentication and Access Control are integrated into one highly automated solution for maximum efficiency
  • Our 'Plug & Play' architecture ensures easy integration into existing network infrastructures
  • Our solution provides businesses a consistent and centralized security solution for their entire wireless network
  • Our solution provides Layer-2 encryption to protect the communication between the entities, even the network information located in Layer-3

Designed specifically for wireless security, our technologies and solutions are more economical, scalable, flexible, and secure than traditional VPN offerings.